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Sermons and Bible Study Media
Listen to Our Latest Sermon:
Marraige is a Union of Two Different Equals
by Bro Franky Fernandez
Colossians 3:18-19
Paul's Prayer for the Colossian Church
by Bro Shyam
Colossians 1: 9 -12
Are You Connected or Well Connected to God? by Bro Jayan Varghese
1 Samuel 1
The Profile of a Pharisee by Bro Moses John Wesley
Luke 8:9-14
Every Christian's Favourite Brand - Jesus Christ by Bro. Franky Fernadez
Col 3:15-17
Prayer - The Spiritual Armour of Armours by Bro. Franky Fernadez
Ephesians 6:10-18
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